Extending with a Custom Module
This section describes the process and rationale for creating a custom module on top of UgandaEMR. This is a recommended approach when customizations cannot be handled within the MoH guidelines to which UgandaEMR adheres.
See section for Setting up a development environment
Module Setup
The steps for creating a custom module that extends UgandaEMR are below: 1. Use the OpenMRS SDK to create a Reference Application module mvn openmrs-sdk:create-project -Dtype=referenceapplication-module
2. Create a new blank text file, openmrs-distro.properties and add it to api/src/main/resources folder 3. Add the following content to the file name=UgandaEMR My Customization version=${project.parent.version} distro.aijar-api=${ugandaemrVersion} distro.aijar-api.groupId=org.openmrs.module omod.ugandaemr-iss=${project.parent.version}
4. The versions are loaded from the dependencies in the api/pom.xml file for the module, an example is https://github.com/METS-Programme/openmrs-module-aijar/blob/master/pom.xml 5. Add the following build information to the omod/pom.xml which will help build the custom war file
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