Releasing UgandaEMR
UgandaEMR leverages the OpenMRS infrastructure on BinTray offered by JFrog, which is a maven based distribution service. This allows UgandaEMR modules to be used by the greater OpenMRS community, if needed and automation of the processes for release management.
The release process uses the maven release plugin
The following must be setup
Bintray access to the repository servers
SSH keys for GitHub access for the computer to be used to carry out the release
Write access to the repositories to be released
Maven 3.3.9 and Java 8
Release Process
The process for releasing is as follows:
Setup Bintray credentials in the local .m2 repository settings in the settings.xml
Create a new clone of the project directly from the module repository, recommended is to name the clone release-openers-module-XXX. This differentiates it from the regular working repositories
Pull all the changes from the master branch
Prepare for release by running the command
mvn release:prepare
and follow the interactive instructions there are usually no changes required from the defaults. This prepares the artifacts for releasePerform the release by running the command
mvn release:perform -Darguments="-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true"
there are is usually no user intervention neededUpdate the release versions in the pom.xml files for any dependent modules and repeat the process from #2 above
Release Order
The order of releasing the module is usually as follows, with the ones at the top of the list being released first:
openmrs-module-fingerprint - does not have any dependencies on any modules
openmrs-module-ugandaemrsync - has a dependency on ugandaemrreports but does not require an up-to-date version
openmrs-module-ugandaemrreports - has a dependency on ugandaemrsync
openmrs-module-aijar - has the latest versions of all the modules
openmrs-module-ugandaemr-poc - depends on aijar distribution modules
Custom distributions based on UgandaEMR:
openmrs-module-ugandaemr-iss - ISS custom implementation
Openmrs-module-ugandaemr-mulagoemr - MUJHU custom implementation for MCH in Mulago and Kawempe hospitals
openmrs-module-ugandaemr-prisonemr - Uganda Prisons Service distribution
openmrs-module-ugandaemr-updfemr - Uganda People's Defence Forces distribution
Demo Site Upgrade
Once the release process has been completed the demo site needs to be updated with the latest release version
Troubleshooting Tips
Failure to Upload the Release Artifacts
There are times when performing the release fails, usually due to permission errors (403 Forbidden) or if the servers are not available. In this case the steps below can be used to deploy the artifacts manually
Checkout the tag for the release
git checkout tag
mvn clean deploy
which compiles the artifacts for the tag and deploys them to the relevant repositories
Last updated
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