Form Development Guidelines
UgandaEMR data collection is done through forms. There are two types of forms built using the HTML Form Entry module that can be added:
MoH HMIS forms - added the core aijar module
Custom IP forms - added to a custom module that depends on aijar
While the two form types are added to different locations the process of addition is similar and is outlined in the sections below.
The checklist below provides a guide in planning the form design
When is the form displayed
Gender restrictions - for males only or females only
Age restrictions - are there maximum or minimum ages
Service points - does the form apply to specific or all service points
Encounter Types - what encounter type does the form data collect for
What is the form design
Single Encounter form - captures data for a single encounter say circumcision, HIV testing etc
Multiple Encounter form - capture information for a treatment regime and is usually broken up into two different forms:
Summary - data that is captured only once
Encounter - captures data on patient visits as they happen
Single Page Longitudinal Form - this is similar to the multiple encounter form and best when the individual encounter information is about 5 - 10 fields, and its important to see the whole longitudinal record as a whole
Form Naming - follows the HMIS or relevant IP naming style e.g., 078-IntegratedPostnatalRegister.xml for HMIS 078 Integrated Postnatal Register
Implementing Forms
Design Best Practices
These best practices are a guide and can be altered to best suit the form design and data collection needs
Usage of form controls
Radio buttons for yes/no options
Radio buttons for elements with up to 4 options
Drop down boxes for more than 4 elements
Form labels will be placed as follows:
Text fields and drop downs - to the top of the input
Radio buttons and check boxes - to the left of the input
Handling other options:
A text field will be provided
The text field will be disabled by default and enabled only when the other option is selected.
When the other option is deselected, the text field will be disabled and its contents removed.
Related data shall be grouped in sections that are grouped together and each section must have a title
Flow of controls will be from left-to-right, and elements will be designed to flow horizontally
There will be four columns of elements on each row of the form
For radio button groups and checkboxes with an Other specify text field:
The text field will be disabled by default and only enabled when the other option is selected
When the other option is unselected the text field will be cleared and disabled
Disabled controls shall always have a fade shade of 0.25
HTML form entry tags shall use numeric Concept IDs or mapping references instead of string UUIDs in the HTML
New concepts will use Data Exchange module ( XML format to be added to the dictionary
For data forms with more than row, the rows will have alternate light and dark colors.
Where codes exist, both the code and description must be shown in the radio button, checkbox or select dropdown. NOTE: Use a hyphen to seperate the code from the description.
Bootstrap Styling Guidelines
When using the Bootstrap grid system use do not use the grid classes i.e, (xs,sm,md,lg) for column definitions. Use only defined column width e.g, (col-4, col-8)
Single Encounter Form
The form needs to have the following:
Metadata - the fields required in the htmlform tag are:
formName - the name of the form which is displayed in links
formDescription - shown in lists
formEncounterType - the uuid of the encounter type to which the form data belongs
formUuid - the uuid of the form which must be unique across all forms
fromShowIf - this is optional but contains any constraints that must be met at patient level for the form to be displayed for entry
formDisplayStyle - only allowed value is Standard
A sample tag for the SMC form is below:
<htmlform formName="HMIS 035a Safe Male Circumcision Client Card" formDescription="Captures clients undergoing safe male circumcision" formEncounterType="244da86d-f80e-48fe-aba9-067f241905ee" formUuid="9d9193e7-b038-4c44-a7a3-830baa288565" formVersion="1.2" formAddMetadata="yes" formUILocation="patientDashboard.visitActions" formOrder="7" formIcon="icon-medkit" formShowIf="( || ! && patient.person.gender=='M' && patient.person.dead==false && sessionLocation.uuid=='8f96e239-8586-4ec6-9375-04c6e19628ae'" formDisplayStyle="Standard" formLabel="SMC Client Card">
Required tags for each form are:
Encounter date - the date when the encounter happened code is:
<encounterDate default="today" disallowMultipleEncountersOnDate="block"/>
Encounter provider - the person who provided the service at the health facility code is:
<encounterProvider role="Provider" style="autocomplete"/>
Encounter location - the health location the code is:
<encounterLocation default="629d78e9-93e5-43b0-ad8a-48313fd99117" order="629d78e9-93e5-43b0-ad8a-48313fd99117"/>
Summary Forms
The only difference between a summary form and other forms is that it can only be entered once, so there is custom javascript that needs to be added
Encounter Form
This is the same as a single encounter form
Last updated
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