Trouble Shooting
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This is because the password for root has changed from a blank password
1.Open the backup database (or backupdatabase.bat) file in Notepad and add the following to the line that starts with @mysqldump
@mysqldump -ppassword
password is the password of the root account, and there is no space after the -p
2.Doubleclick the backupdatabase file
This is because the installer did not create the openmrs_backup database. Uninstall UgandaEMR and start again
1.Open the upgradedatabase (or upgradedatabase.bat) file in Notepad and add the following to the line that starts with @mysqldump
@mysql -ppassword
password is the password of the root account, and there is no space after the -p
2.Doubleclick the upgradedatabase file
In case your upgrade fails, there is a need to restore the environment so that you can try again.
The steps are as follows:
Backup the openmrs database
Delete the openmrs and openmrs_backup databases
Create a new openmrs and openmrs_backup databases
On the openmrs database run the following scripts:
new-install.sql - this one creates a blank database for UgandaEMR
concept_dictionary script - use the latest version
Restart your computer so that UgandaEMR can start
Run the upgrade again
If the error is caused by a missing module then upload the module following the steps above
If the error is caused by a higher version of a module, then upgrade the module to that higher version. Please note that this may cause additional errors in other modules that may be incompatible with the higher version.
If a lower version of a module is required, then you may need to upload a lower version of the module, though this may cause other modules to fail loading
2.Restart the computer which resets all UgandaEMR services.
Click the Administration link in the top menu as below:
Click the Manage Address Hierarchy link on the administration dashboard
Delete all the address hierarchy entries in the rectangle which are causing the error one level at a time
This happens in case there is an error when loading the entries for the address hierarchy see screenshot below
The fix is by deleting the current address hierarchy entries, then restarting your computer so that it is loaded properly.
Backup your database
Run the SQL commands below:
/ The address hierarchy may be installed before so this causes problems - remove instal trail of the address hierarchy / DELETE FROM global_property WHERE property IN ('address.format', 'addresshierarchy.database_version', 'addresshierarchy.mandatory', 'addresshierarchy.started', '');
/ Drop the address hierarchy tables if necessary /
ALTER TABLE address_hierarchy_address_to_entry_map DROP FOREIGN KEY address_id_to_person_address_table;
ALTER TABLE address_hierarchy_address_to_entry_map DROP FOREIGN KEY entry_id_to_address_hierarchy_table;
ALTER TABLE address_hierarchy_entry DROP FOREIGN KEY level_to_level;
ALTER TABLE address_hierarchy_entry DROP FOREIGN KEY parent-to-parent
ALTER TABLE address_hierarchy_level DROP FOREIGN KEY parent_level;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS address_hierarchy_address_to_entry_map;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS address_hierarchy_entry;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS address_hierarchy_level;
Restart your computer
This error tends to happen from UgandaEMR 1.0.16 that requires this module to be available, which is based on upgrades from old versions of OpenMRS that had the data integrity module installed. The old version of a module left a dataintegrity tables installed, so the new version cannot replace some tables.
The fix involves deleting the dataintegrity_rule table using different tools:
Command line
Connect to the database using the command
mysql -u openmrs -p
which will request for a password
Change to the openmrs database
use openmrs
Delete the dataintegrity tables - not all of these may exist in your installation
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dataintegrity_run;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dataintegrity_result;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dataintegrity_column;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dataintegrity_check;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dataintegrity_integrity_checks;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dataintegrity_result;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dataintegrity_rule;
Delete previous liquibase change logs for data integrity
DELETE FROM liquibasechangelog WHERE ID LIKE '%data-integrity%';
Restart your computer
Heidi SQL
Download the upgrade script from
Open a connection to the openmrs database on port 3306
Open File -> Load SQL File and load the downloaded file
Go to start menu, search for services.
Under Services look for mysql.
Stop mysql service
Go to C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\data
Delete the following files:
Restart mysql from services.
Go to Menu search for Launch Tomcat Manager and clink on it
Select Configuretion and a popup window will show
Go to the Java Tab and select Use default.
Incase there are some text in the Java Options:, remove them and click apply
Go back to General tab and click start, to start tomcat
This is because the password for root has changed from a blank password
This is usually characterized by a green arrow next to the module name, an error message at the top of the Manage Modules page and a text box in the row of the module name with the words "Error starting! Click here for details" 1.Click the text box to find out the details of why the module did not start:
A common cause is blank entries in the address hierarchy during the upgrade process as seen in the link below
After check the notification area and right click on tomcat icon