Currently, work in progress
New Features
2019 version of HMIS tools
HIV Testing Client Card with Recency Addendum
ART Card
Summary Page
Clinical Assessment
Psychosocial Support
HIV Exposed Infant
Summary Page
Encounter Page
Maternal Health
Maternity Form
Antenatal Register
Postnatal Register
Point of Care
Registration of Patient at Reception
Clinical Assessment
Pharmacy and Dispensing
HIV MER Indicator Reports *
Automated Data Exchange
Submission of HTS data for recency surveillance
UgandaEMR Analytics metrics to track EMR usage at health facilities
Submission to DHIS2 starting with 105A HTS report
Submission of viral load requests to CPHL and receiving results directly from CPHL
Links to download files
New Installation
For new machines with no UgandaEMR installed
WAR File
Upgrade Installer
For existing versions of UgandaEMR 2.0.* to 3.0.0
For existing versions of UgandaEMR 1.x to 3.0.0
Fixing Failed Installations and Upgrades
Noteable contributions
We would like to recognize the notable contribution of the following partners, and facilities in this release
POC pathfinder sites
Last updated