New Features
Stock Management & Dispensing Module (SMD)
The module supports the documentation of all medical supplies distributed and/or received at health facility from the national medical warehouses.
At the stores, the store manager/officer receives and takes stock of the medical supplies; And the Facility pharmacy can make requests to the store.
The module supports the clinical workflow of drug prescription and dispensing at a health facility.
Facility Dashboards
Real-time dashboards for key performance indicators (KPI) for improved data use through visualization such as;
Comprehensive dashboards on care and treatment.
Comprehensive dashboards covering the entire HTS cascade.
Comprehensive dashboards for appointments including weekly appointment's coverage.
SMS Patient Reminders
Enrolling patients into the SMS program to receive reminders of their upcoming facility visit / appointment.
Customization of facility messages sent out to the patients.
Provide a list of all patients enrolled on the SMS program.
Deregister a patient from the SMS program
Client Registry
An integration between UgandaEMR and the National MOH client registry to exchange data between the UgandaEMR and the client registry for patient Identification and deduplication.
NextGen Reporting
Functionality to generate MER and HMIS reports and submit them directly to the respective national reporting systems.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
HIV Testing Services (HTS)
Redesigned the HMIS 018ACP: HTS Client Card to simplify the process of data entry.
Added the missing fields in the HMIS 105 HTS Section report.
Added Number of days since last tested and place last tested to the client card.
Viral Load Exchange (VL)
Sending VL request form from UgandaEMR to CPHL
Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy (TPT)
TPT Start & Completion dates displayed on subsequent ART Encounters once they are captured.
TPT Completion status captured once and displayed on subsequent encounters (Non-repetitive capture).
Patient Demographics - Address Hierarchy
Addition of new cities, districts, counties, sub counties, parishes and villages to the address fields inline with the country’s administrative units.
HIV - TB Linkage
ART Information visible on TB Enrollment and Follow-up encounters.
TB Information displayed on ART Encounters once a client is enrolled into the TB program.
ART Access Integration
Differentiating between Facility visit and pharmacy visit.
DSDM Categorization
Added functionality to sub-categorize CCLAD clients into different CCLAD groups.
Added functionality to sub-categorize CDDP clients into General CDDP groups.
SMC Enhancements
Allow Logicane Batch Number filled to take in alphanumeric values not just integers
Links to download files
New Installation
For new machines with no UgandaEMR installed
WAR File
Last updated
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