
New Features

  1. Stock Management & Dispensing Module (SMD)

    • The module supports the documentation of all medical supplies distributed and/or received at health facility from the national medical warehouses.

    • At the stores, the store manager/officer receives and takes stock of the medical supplies; And the Facility pharmacy can make requests to the store.

    • The module supports the clinical workflow of drug prescription and dispensing at a health facility.

  2. Facility Dashboards

    • Real-time dashboards for key performance indicators (KPI) for improved data use through visualization such as;

      • Comprehensive dashboards on care and treatment.

      • Comprehensive dashboards covering the entire HTS cascade.

      • Comprehensive dashboards for appointments including weekly appointment's coverage.

  3. SMS Patient Reminders

    • Enrolling patients into the SMS program to receive reminders of their upcoming facility visit / appointment.

    • Customization of facility messages sent out to the patients.

    • Provide a list of all patients enrolled on the SMS program.

    • Deregister a patient from the SMS program

  4. Client Registry

    • An integration between UgandaEMR and the National MOH client registry to exchange data between the UgandaEMR and the client registry for patient Identification and deduplication.

  5. NextGen Reporting

    • Functionality to generate MER and HMIS reports and submit them directly to the respective national reporting systems.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  1. HIV Testing Services (HTS)

    • Redesigned the HMIS 018ACP: HTS Client Card to simplify the process of data entry.

    • Added the missing fields in the HMIS 105 HTS Section report.

    • Added Number of days since last tested and place last tested to the client card.

  2. Viral Load Exchange (VL)

    • Sending VL request form from UgandaEMR to CPHL

  3. Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy (TPT)

    • TPT Start & Completion dates displayed on subsequent ART Encounters once they are captured.

    • TPT Completion status captured once and displayed on subsequent encounters (Non-repetitive capture).

  4. Patient Demographics - Address Hierarchy

    • Addition of new cities, districts, counties, sub counties, parishes and villages to the address fields inline with the country’s administrative units.

  5. HIV - TB Linkage

    • ART Information visible on TB Enrollment and Follow-up encounters.

    • TB Information displayed on ART Encounters once a client is enrolled into the TB program.

  6. ART Access Integration

    • Differentiating between Facility visit and pharmacy visit.

  7. DSDM Categorization

    • Added functionality to sub-categorize CCLAD clients into different CCLAD groups.

    • Added functionality to sub-categorize CDDP clients into General CDDP groups.

  8. SMC Enhancements

    • Allow Logicane Batch Number filled to take in alphanumeric values not just integers

New Installation

For new machines with no UgandaEMR installed

WAR File


Last updated

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