
New Features

  1. Clinical Workflows

    • Added TPT status to patient dashboard

    • Added ability to restrict return visit dates not to happen on public holidays and to limit the number of patients who have an appointment on a specific date

    • TB Treatment Support using both Point of Care and Restrospective

    • Transfer in and out forms

    • Review of DSD Models.

      • Changed the duration of current regimen from 12 months to 6 months.

      • Clinicians determine whether the patient is stable or not.

  2. Pharmacy and Dispensing

    • Ability to dispense drugs not the regimen combinations

  3. Added HMIS ACP 001 - Non-Supressed Viral Load Form and HMIS TB 003 Client Card

  4. Reports

    • HMIS 106A Sections 1A and 1B

    • Transitioned to DTG

    • Daily Missed Appointment Reports

    • TX_ML Report

Bug Fixes

  1. ART Summary Page and Clinical Assessment

    • TPT and IP data was not being shown on edit of the forms

    • Added a text field for other medications dispensed while essential medicines are limited to a drop down

    • Added fields for Second and third alternative numbers on patient registration.

  2. Point of Care

    • TB Work Flow for both Drug Susceptible and Drug Resistant.

  3. Patient Flags

    • Non-supressed viral load message not displayed for patients with less than 1000 copies

  4. Reports

    • Fixed errors in Maternity and ANC Registers

    • Added current patient DSDM model and enrollment date to all facility reports which did not have those fields

New Installation

For new machines with no UgandaEMR installed

WAR File


Upgrade Installer

For existing versions of UgandaEMR 2.0.x to 3.1.0


Last updated